The Office

Ishikawa NISHIDA KITARO Museum of Philosophy
1 Uchihisumi-i, Kahoku, Ishikawa 929-1126
TEL: (076) 283-6600

This is the official website of the Nishida Philosophy Association ----------


[The 23rd Annual Conference of the Nishida Philosophy Association]

July 25-27th, 2025

Venue: Ishikawa Nishida Kitarō Museum of Philosophy, Ishikawa Prefecture (planned to be held face-to-face only)

Call for the next annual conference panel and research presentations Deadline expired.

[Panel Presentation]

We are accepting proposals for Panel Presentations (in Japanese or English) in which two or more people will present and discuss on a single subject.

Please submit your application by email to the Association’s office by the last day of February, 2025, including the following: ① Theme, ② purpose of the panel (approximately 800 characters in Japanese or 400 words in English), ③ name and affilliation of the person in charge of the panel (must be a B or C member of our Association), ④ list containing the names and affilliation of the participants of the panel presentation, and ⑤ the language to be used. Please provide both Japanese and English versions of itens ①, ③, and ④. Your application will be reviewed after the deadline and you will be contacted regarding the acceptance of your proposal as soon as possible.
※The theme cannot be changed after the deadline.

Application requirements: The person in charge of the panel must be a B or C member of the association (other panelists may be non-members).

Presentation time: Total 90 minutes including discussion (estimated).

[Oral Presentation]

If you wish to give an oral presentation (in Japanese or English) at our next annual conference (B and C members of the Society), please submit the folowing to the Association’s office by the last day of February, 2025 by email: ① title, ② your name and affiliation, ③ a summary of the presentation (approximately 800 characters in Japanese or 400 words in English) ④ the language to be used. Please provide both Japanese and English versions of itens ① and ②. In addition, please provide a separate sheet of ⑤ a brief resume, ⑥ a list of research achievements (if any), and ⑦ the address to which documents, etc. should be sent. The presenter will be selected after the review process.
*Titles cannot be changed after the deadline.

● We have contacted all applicants who have had their oral and panel presentations accepted. If you have not received a reply, please contact the Association as soon as possible.


[Call for Papers Deadline Expired] Nishida Philosophy Association Journal Vol. 22 (scheduled to be published in July 2025)

See below for details.

“Nishida Philosophy Association Journal” Submission Rules and Writing Guidelines (Revised June 30, 2019) – in Japanese

Languages: Japanese or English
Deadline of submissions for Vol. 22: End of October 2024

The Association will send a reply within a week after submission. If, by any reasons, you do not receive our reply, please contact the Association’s office.


[The 22nd Annual Conference of the Nishida Philosophy Association]

Date: July 27-28, 2024
Venue: Rikkyo University – Ikebukuro Campus (Map in Japanese)

Members-only page (in Japanese): 22nd Annual Conference (members-only)

《To all members of the Association》

・Information regarding the annual conference has been sent to you through our mailing list. If you have registered your email address but have not received the email, please make sure to check your spam folder. In case you still have not received the email, please contact the Association’s office.

・The same information has been sent by post to all members (living in Japan) who have not registered their email address. If you would like to have your email address registered and added to our mailing list, please contact the Association’s office.

Call for the next annual conference panel and research presentations Deadline Expired

[Panel Presentation]

We are accepting proposals for Panel Presentations (in Japanese or English) in which two or more people will present and discuss on a single subject.

If you wish to conduct a Panel Presentation at our next annual conference, please submit the following by letter or e-mail to the Association’s office by the last day of January 2024: ① Theme (in both Japanese and English), ② purpose of the panel (approximately 800 characters in Japanese or 400 words in English), ③ name and address (where correspondence can be sent) of the person in charge of the panel (must be a B or C member of our Association), ④ list of names (in both Japanese characters and Roman alphabet) of the participants of the panel presentation. Your application will be reviewed after the deadline and you will be contacted regarding the acceptance of your proposal as soon as possible.

Application requirements: The person in charge of the panel must be a B or C member of the association (other panelists may be non-members).

Presentation time: Total 90 minutes including discussion (estimated).

[Research Presentation]

If you wish to conduct a Research Presentation at our next annual conference, please submit the following by letter or e-mail to the Association’s office by the last day of March 2024: ① title, ② a summary of the presentation (approximately 800 characters in Japanese or 400 words in English), ③ a short curriculum vitae and ④ any academic and research information deemed relevant. Also, please let us know the English language title of your presentation, your name in Roman alphabet, and an available address where to send documents. Presenters will be determined after a peer-review.


[Call for Papers Deadline expired] Nishida Philosophy Association Journal Vol. 21 (scheduled to be published in July 2024)

See below for details.

“Nishida Philosophy Association Journal” Submission Rules and Writing Guidelines (Revised June 30, 2019) – in Japanese

Languages: Japanese or English
Deadline of submissions for Vol. 21: End of October 2023

The Association will send a reply within a week after submission. If, by any reasons, you do not receive our reply, please contact the Association’s office.


The 21st Annual Conference of the Nishida Philosophy Association
July 22-23, 2023
Venue: Kyoto University

The 21st Annual Conference of the Nishida Philosophy Association has finished it’s applications for research presentations.
The 21st Annual Conference of the Nishida Philosophy Association is currently accepting applications for research presentations.
Note that the presentations are open to B/C members only.
If you are interested in making a presentation (in Japanese or English) at our annual conference, please attach a summary of your proposed presentation (approximately 800 characters in Japanese or 400 words in English), a brief biography and any research achievements you may find relevant, and send them by post or e-mail (with your preferred contact address) to the Nishida Philosophy Association’s Office by the end of March.
In case you are presenting in Japanese, please let us know the title of your presentation in English, as well as your name’s proper spelling in the Roman alphabet.
※ The Association thanks all those who have applied. The approved presenters and panelists will be contacted as soon as the evaluation of projects is over.
※ The presenters will be decided after evaluation of the proposals.

For the complete program, please access the link below ↓

[The 21st Annual Conference of the Nishida Philosophy Association] (in English)

[The 21st Annual Conference of the Nishida Philosophy Association] (in Japanese)


The 20th Annual Conference of the Nishida Philosophy Association (2022)

Venue: KOMCEE East, The University of Tokyo (Komaba Campus)

*Non-members of the Nishida Philosophical Association are welcome to attend the 20th Annual Conference of the Nishida Philosophical Association. If you know someone who is interested, please invite him or her to the conference. Non-members may attend the two-day conference for a participation fee of 500 yen. If you wish to attend the 20th Annual Meeting of the Nishida Philosophical Association, please fill out the application form below and send it to the Nishida Philosophical Association Secretariat by mail or fax.

Non-member application form for the 20th Annual Meeting of the Nishida Philosophical Association




Regarding the the new coronavirus infections
Dear Members of the Nishida Philosophical Society

Although there have been reports of the re-spread of the new coronavirus infection in various parts of Japan, including Tokyo, the Nishida Satellite Conference (Komaba Campus, The University of Tokyo) on Saturday, July 23 and Sunday, July 24, 2022 is currently scheduled to be held as announced. In the unlikely event of any major changes, we will post them on our website by Monday, July 18. (July 8, 2022 by Hitoshi Minobe)

Ueda Shizuteru Fund Application Forms (All forms are in Japanese)

We accept applications for various grants.

Planning Grant Application Form

Research Grant Application Form

Publication Grant Application Form

Publication Grant Application Recommendation Form


Ueda Shizuteru Fund Management Policy

The following is the policy approved by the Board of Directors on July 24, 2021 and reported at the General Meeting on July 25, 2021. (Text by Akitomi)

Ueda Shizuteru Fund Management Policy (July 25, 2021) (PDF)

The following revision to “Policy 2” has been aproved by the Ueda Shizuteru Fund Management Committee on April 22, 2023:

Ueda Shizuteru Fund Management Policy (July 25, 2021, Revised on April 22, 2023) (PDF)

The 19th Annual Conference of the Nishida Philosophy Association
July 24-25, 2021
Venue: Kyoto University

The conference was held via the online conference system Zoom.

For details of the annual meeting, please refer to the following page (members only).

Nishida Philosophy Association’s 18th Annual Conference was held online.

Saturday, December 12 and Sunday, December 13, 2020

Details of the Annual Meeting


[Nishida Philosophy Association 17th Annual Conference]

Date: July 20-21, 2019

Venue: Kamakura Women’s University 

Regarding Applications to present at our annual conference (B/C Members Only)

For those who wish to present (In Japanese or English) at our annual conference, please submit a roughly 800 character outline of the content of the presentation, a brief resume and, when applicable, a list of academic contributions (presentations, publications, etc.) to the Nishida Philosophy Association Office by both post and email before the end of March. Presenters will be decided upon after review.


[Nishida Philosophy Association 16th Annual Conference]

Date: July 21-22, 2018

Venue: Kansai University (Senriyama Campus)

Regarding Applications to present at our annual conference (B/C Members Only)

For those who wish to present (In Japanese or English) at our annual conference, please submit a roughly 800 character outline of the content of the presentation, a brief resume and, when applicable, a list of academic contributions (presentations, publications, etc.) to the Nishida Philosophy Association Office by both post and email before the end of March. Presenters will be decided upon after Review.


[Nishida Philosophy Association 15th Annual Conference]

Date: July 15-17, 2017

Venue: Ishikawa NISHIDA KITARO Museum of  Philosophy

→Information about the 15th annual conference (PDF)

Details (Japanese)


[Nishida Philosophy Association 14th Annual Conference]

Date: July 23-24, 2016

Location: Meiji University

→Information about the 14th annual conference (PDF)

Details (Japanese)

Non-members may participate in the 14th annual Nishida Philosophy Association Conference as well. If any of our members know of anyone who is interested in participating in our conference, please feel free to invite them. Non-members may participate at our two day long conference for 500 yen.

We ask that non-members who wish to participate in the 14th annual Nishida Philosophy Association Conference please fill in the registration sheet below and send it to the Nishida Philosophy Association’s office via mail or fax.

→Registration for non-members for participation in the 14th Annual Nishida Philosophy Association Conference


[The 13th annual Nishida Philosophy Association Conference has finished]

The outline for the symposium held on July 26th on “Creation” (sōzō) has been uploaded →Click Here for More on the 13th Annual Conference (Japanese)

Nishida Philosophy Association 13th Annual Conference:

Date: July 25-26, 2015

Location: Kyoto Institute of Technology

Information about the 13th annual conference(PDF)

To the 13th annual conference’s page (Japanese)

Non-members may participate in the 13th annual Nishida Philosophy Association Conference as well. If any of our members know of anyone who is interested in participating in our conference, please feel free to invite them. Non-members may participate at our two day long conference for 500 yen.

We ask that non-members who wish to participate in the 13th annual Nishida Philosophy Association Conference please fill in the registration sheet below and send it to the Nishida Philosophy Association’s office via mail or fax.

→Registration for non-members for participation in the 13th Annual Nishida Philosophy Association Conference